In Arbach ● you can have lunch, drinks or dinner by appointment. In the restaurant, the Stube or outside on the terrace, in the Weingarten, as well as lazily in the garden around the pond.

All our dishes are “hausgemacht”, we work with high-quality fresh products, preferably locally and organically grown.
What do we serve?
The finest salads, soups and appetizers, oriented to the season.
And of course, with us you will enjoy the original Neapolitan Pizzas as they were once intended, before they became fast food, usually baked in our wood-fired oven.
We make them BIG, so the whole table eats the same pizza at the same time and different pizzas pass by. And for kids, of course, we arrange their favorite pizza!
You pay €30 per person or €15 for a child for the complete meal.
Drinks go separately; we sometimes ask you, if it is busy, to keep track of this yourself.
What can you drink?
We serve good and special wines from nearby areas, such as the Mosel, the Ahr and the Pfalz, as well as from Italy, Spain and France.
The restaurant has a good concert grand piano, an 1875 Bechstein, which can be used for concerts and performances. There is also a professional (d&b audiotechnik F1222) sound system.
The acoustics in the restaurant are muted, making it suitable for older people.